A Very Proud Mum


As a parent, you always want to know what your kids are up to at school. If they are talkers, they’ll tell you everything in details. But not my kids. My kids will summarize it as yes/no answers. So what can I do to know more?

Luckily, the school year is divided to terms. By the end of a term I see the reports and some art work my kids made in art class, projects they were working on for the whole term,  special clubs or classes they took part at, poems they wrote for competition I didn’t even know about or some stories they wrote.

Last week was the end of a term. I was very excited to see all of those.

I feel so proud.

Big smile takes place and left on my face for the day. My chest fills with pride.

Of course, the little artists get a huge hug and kiss that no words are able to explain.

And then I hang their work on the walls – probably swapping with previous terms’ art work.

That’s called Nachas! (a the Jewish word that means: very proud and fulfilled).

Here’s a poem my son wrote:

firstsIsn’t that amazing!? 🙂

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