
Hi there, yes it’s me, I’m here again. I know it’s been a while now…

Apparently, I was working too hard for too long,  without any time to think (I know it sounds horrible, although it wasn’t) But the minute I caught myself without any time or energy, sad instead of happy, I realised it’s time to stop that ASAP. I resigned my job.


So here I am again. Trying to live, change and fix the mess I did while working too hard. I think I lost track of time and part of myself, which shouldn’t have happened in the first place. But that’s part of who I am – I’m a giver.

I am so dedicated to whatever I’m doing, that I will give more than 100% of myself (that’s my advantage and disadvantage combined). Anyway, as part of getting my life back and making up to my family I brought home a little puppy to help my family tie the knots together, and add a bit more responsibility and maturity to my kids.

His name is Lucky. He is a very cute and adorable dog! We got him when he was 8 weeks old, and the magic of change, responsibility and maturity came with it. It was very smart thing to do. I look at my kids’ faces and I know I did the right thing.Lucky

If only I had the headspace before…

We should NEVER let our work take over our lives or our head space, because family is definitely more important.


The purpose of our lives is to be happy.

(Dalai Lama)

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