Lockdown 2 – Day #19

In each family there are some very busy months. When I say busy, I mean full of birthdays, anniversaries etc. Our extended families’ busy months starts tomorrow. Not today but Tomorrow.

The order, of just *my* side of the family, goes like this:

My sister
My mum
My brother
My daughter
Our anniversary

Then… my niece, my nephew, my name & my son.

And there are even more on my hubby’s side.

Very busy.

Since I was a teenager, I was the one in charge of the greetings and gifts to everyone. The fact that we now live in a different country doesn’t change this state. Some things never change.

Well, I like to be ready on time. That’s who I am. So when we moved overseas we wrote the cards 2 months in advance in order to mail them so that they will get to their receiver on time. These days, no mail can get overseas… so WhatsApp is good enough, and writing the greetings one day in advance is fantastic.

I love doing this!

I started it today… Yayy! I’m ready to party!

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