Woke up early… without any particular reason.
I felt like I don’t need To do anything so no rush.
I came across a yummy dessert I used to eat when I was younger, the desire to try it was huge, so we did it..it called choco-pie ( it’s mady out of chocolate spread and tortia in egg and crumbs) … Reminded me of my childhood… it was so yummy.
Later on, I had to balance it with some Broccolini, so I don’t feel guilty about it 🙂
Then everyone went to play tennis and I was left in the quite…
Having my coffee in the sun (or what’s left of it)…
Then when the gang came back, we did some plastic recycling art that was so much fun (we used some recyclable containers that you can find in your fridge- like strawberry one’s or apples, we cut the edges drew on them with Sherpie and put in the oven for 30 seconds) Taaddammm! You get a keyring. I love it!

Yup, just another day…