Collect Moments – Not Things

As we grow older, it’s harder to get rid of stuff. All our lives we collect things. Women tend to collect cloths, shoes, handbags and more surprises. Men collect bills and newspapers. We shouldn’t do that; because when we have less stuff we are happier with what we have, we appreciate what we have and we enjoy what we have.

Why am I telling you this? Because not all of us have plenty of money, a nice car or a show off at the best party in town – because that’s not what’s important. Money is only a tool. The most important things in life are free – laugh, hugs and kisses, family, friends, nature and good memories. So try to create memories of (and for) your family and friends.

collect memories

If you think of all the things you are using daily or the things you enjoy, you’ll figure it out very quickly. Go and create moments. Don’t buy more things. All we need are memories that will make us smile to ourselves and enjoy the good taste of then – for the rest of our lives.

I just saw this TED talk the other day, that explains my point better.



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