Day #32 – Lockdown

Today was just another Thursday… full of chores: folding the laundry, cleaning the house, cooking… the usual.

Then we wanted to make Challahs, I thought of 1 kg… but my daughter insisted on 2 kg. Oh well, I couldn’t resist.

Her Challahs are The Best.

She’s got a secret ingredient in the Challah that you cannot stop eating it until it’s over.

Want to know the secret? OK, but, please don’t tell…
It’s chocolate. Yes, chocolate inside the dough. OMG this is just delicious.
So because we had 2kg, we did hafrashat challah as well, It was a proud-Jew moment.

Then when Challahs were out of the oven, we were unable to wait until Shabbat so we took a few bites. So yum!

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