Lockdown 2 – Day #36

Thursday routine is cleaning and cooking day. this Thursday wasn’t different. although tomorrow is my birthday I decided to cook anyway.
So in between school assignments, I made a Shepard pie, Liver with caramelized onions and noodles with sauteed veggies.
I think the cooking became a therapy for me…

I turn on the music in my head (because my daughter is close to the kitchen, studying, so I can’t turn it on for real)

Mmmmm, maybe we are on to
something, Cooking therapy can heal your soul with cooking special foods, making a mess, and then cleaning it.
It can also be called the new kitchen multitasking – put a toast in the toaster, make the noodles in the meantime cut the veggies, spread the butter on the toast, put the veggies in the pan.
Wait! I think it’s not even multitasking but juggling.

My son juggles 4 balls at a time, it looks hard most times when I see his tricks…
2 balls go up while 2 goes down… or 3 in one direction the 4th jumps up and down.
Now I get it, I am actually doing the same with cooking.
News flash! I’m juggling in the kitchen.

And enjoying it!

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