Moments of Happiness

Normally we are very busy on a daily basis; we don’t have time to think through our happiness. We are too floating on the sea of life. Going to work, back from work, picking up the kids, preparing dinner, helping with homework, cleaning, taking care of laundry, making lunch boxes for the next day, ironing and many more.

Usually we don’t have time to stop and think. it’s a bit sad. Is that what we really want? where is the fun in life? do we really want our kids to learn these habits from us and do the same when they get older?

I don’t think so. That’s why we need to learn (and teach our kids) to live the happiness even in those crazy times. Enjoy the joy of life.


Last week we had a photo-shoot. It was fun, we had to smile until our faces hurt. When I saw the photos, it hit me like lightning – my kids are growing too fast now, and these moments we share will only live in our memories, but not enough for everybody to see or know about them. We need to share this happiness with the whole world. Each one of us should find their own happiness moments in their busy life.

We need:

  1.  To add laughter to our spirit and use it. Being silly works for me and for my kids. Instead of being angry at them, I’m being silly.
  2.  Smile/hug more. Our kids are getting bigger everyday. We don’t see it but it happens. In a hug or a smile we say much more than words can say. Soon they won’t be willing to get these great gestures because they are get bigger/older.
  3. Say you love. Sometimes we are too busy to say I love you. So I found funny ways to do it: one day, my daughter forgot her lunch box. It can happen. But I had few spare minutes so I decided to bring her lunch box from home. I sneaked into the classes’ corridor and put it in her bag with a note: “You forgot your lunch on the table… I brought it to you rather than letting you learn a lesson only because I love you.”You can find occasions to say you love; this way your kids will learn to give more love to the world as well.
  4.  Tickling helps – to raise every spirit. Even after a crazy day at work.
  5.  Identify peaceful moments and cherish them – each family will find their own special moments to cherish with or without a camera. Good memories will stay forever.
  6. Talk more. flatter. Give positive energy – your family needs that. after a while, you will notice they are being more positive and flattering as well.
  7. Try to hold yourself – When you feel like you are going to lose it, swap the scream or anger with a song or a laugh – my kids understand that I am very angry like that without even saying, but the message is delivered much more efficiently.
  8. Enjoy the moment itself – like sitting and watching a movie together. Just enjoy each other’s company. Enjoy the moment.
  9. Go for a picnic or a day trip – quality time makes a good outing as a family. Stories are told and songs are sang. Together.
  10. Enjoy indoor activity. Even cleaning can be fun with a bit of music and dancing.

That’s how we want to raise our kids – with happiness and good memories, not with stress / fear / anger.

Happiness is within us. Enjoy every minute of it.

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