I started my day too early… at 4am.
There was heavy rain that woke me up, my daughter woke up as well, so I found myself reading together “The lion, the witch and the wardrobe”.
After a while we tried to get back to sleep… she did. I couldn’t. So I started cooking at 7am. Big Minestrone soup & Pasta Bolognese.
I saw there was no bread left so decided to make pita bread.

It’s the first time ever I tried to make it. I was surprised how easy it was. Soooo yummm !!!
I printed out some good Pesach games that I found online, laminated them and cut them so we’ll have new games for the long chag.
Then, I bleached the kitchen floor so it will be ready for pessach.
I noticed we all needed exercise. So we opened “Just Dance” Xbox game and started to move.
All of us did it. It was great music, with energetic exercise.
Is it just me or my days seem longer than ever? Can’t wait for Shabbat.