Today started the same as every Thursday, woke the kids to start school. Made my coffee and realised the milk isn’t very cold… oops…. the fridge isn’t working.
Had to start taking everything out of the fridge and move it to my extra fridge, which is located in the garage. What a hassle! Even before I drank my coffee…
Then I started cooking… paused for helping out my daughter to make a PowerPoint slide deck on Green Sea Turtles and the global warming, kept cooking… stopped again to help making another PowerPoint slide deck about Ancient China Hinduism, back to cooking… ate Lunch. Helped answering English questions about a Narnia book.
Hmmm….. And I thought I finished school years ago….
Then we started to make dinner that took hours, because we made pasta from scratch. First time ever! And I can promise you it won’t happen again. I used muscles that I didn’t know existed. I will be so sore tomorrow…
But it was so fresh and yummm.
Cheers to new experiences!