Lockdown 2 – Day #50

Today was a disorganised day…
Instead of a cleaning-cooking day, I had a bit of everything… such a mess.

I went early to pick up my online groceries order, then made sure kids are sitting for online school.

Went for a walk with a friend.

The weather was fantastic, it wasn’t cold, it wasn’t hot, it was just a bit windy.
Sometimes you don’t need more than a good friend, fun exercise and a bit of sun.

Cleaned a bit, cooked a bit, had a parent-teacher interview, and the highlight of the day was making Juchnun, which is a Yemenite food made out of dough. It’s so much work but so worth it…
It takes about an hour to roll the dough, then it slowly cooks on the blech for a whole night.

You wake up in the morning to a fabulous smell.

You grate some tomatoes (I add zhug) and put some boiled eggs that were lying down next to the juchnun over night.

And you eat it for breakfast

Spoiler alert: it might ruin your lunch… so filling, but so yummm.

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