Day #15 – Lockdown

Warning! Cooking/cleaning day ahead.

I woke up with a lot of energy (if you’ve read yesterday’s post, you could tell that it’s quite different).

The sun showed itself. Hoping it will stay this way in the upcoming days.
I drank my coffee with the last bagel toast before Pesach and started cooking on full steam. Dressed the brisket & put it in the oven, cut 3 kilos of breast fillet, and made it to schnitzels. OMG! That was a hell of a job.

Let’s see who’s going to tell me “I’ve got nothing to eat” now…

After that I made vegetables slice & matza-based lasanga.

For lunch I spoiled everyone with fresh schnitzels and sweet potato chips. After all that we cleaned the kitchen and my daughter put some foils over the benchtops.

We are now ready for it.

The kitchen looked spotless and my feet were so sore regardless.

I enjoyed a meal that’s not going to happen again in the next 10 days.

I feel so good, some life skills are building up!

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