Day #17-20 – Lockdown

After the Pesach week started, we could finally relax.

We sat to the table saying the Haggadah which is the story of the Jewish people escaping Egypt. We were describing the 10 plagues the Egyptian got, in order to allow the Israelites to go free. And here we are, sitting with our core family, can’t get out of our houses, can’t go to shul or see friends. Just because of a new age plague.

Anyway it made us rethink our existence and stop.

Yom Tov was long, but there was plenty of food as always…

Luckily, we had so many games in the house, so when the sun came out we played table tennis and frisbee. Remember I told you about the dobble game I made? It was a big hit. Fantastic game. We played it so many times it was definitely worth the effort.

My daughter had a holiday homework: reading the book “The witch, the lion and the wardrobe” so we printed off 9 chapters to start with… and we actually finished reading what we printed. Which is a great progress.

It all seemed like a one very long day.

Fun, but glad it’s over.

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