Day #26-27 – Lockdown

Friday was a very special day.
We had baguettes and garlic bread after more than 8 days eating matzah.

It tasted like heaven.

Not just because it was special, but because after more than 20 days of lockdown, we actually got dressed, put our shoes on (that felt weird) and went in the car. Drove to get our annual flu shot.

That didn’t take long… but we missed this feeling of going out.

I actually couldn’t bear the thought of another Shabbat, but this Shabbat was the most amazing one we had so far.

My daughter was so bored and wanted to sing and make music, yes I know it’s Shabbat and we can’t do a lot… but we decided to try fill wine glasses with water and make them a sort of a piano. It was actually very good!
We managed to “play” the Yehonatan Ha’katan tune and do some fun sounds with it. It was amazing!

Then my daughter had an idea to create face masks and all we had to do was apply it on our faces. She asked who’s joining her, surprisingly we all did (even the boys!)
We tried 2 recipes: honey & coffee, and honey & cinnamon. We applied them on our faces and couldn’t stop laughing. We looked like a monkey family with all our faces in 2 colours of brown.
It was hilarious, not only that… it actually felt so nice, our skin was very smooth. It was definitely worth the mess.

Then we kept playing, went for a walk around the block. And played ping pong again.

And BAM Shabbat was over.

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