Day #43 – Lockdown

Woke up as usual, got dressed.. yup. Gotta go shopping again. How exciting!

After I made sure the kids started online school, I went out… Coles was very busy, started to follow my list then I saw a friend, it was so nice to chat with someone face to face, nearly forgot that feeling…

Came back, unpacked my groceries which was a big job, then made a yummy chicken soup, so yummy that straight away everyone wanted to get a bowl of soup. The happiest moment of all … well, my polish roots have come to life.
Then it was time for me to help with some school assignments.

After school was over, we started to watch the Lego Masters episode we missed yesterday…

Then, to our surprise we received part of our Spotlight delivery, which contained a crochet hook and threads. Because I wanted to teach my daughter how to knit a Kippah.
Wwhen I was in high school it was something we learned and practiced all the time. It was the “cool girls” thing… until I could make beautiful kipot with some “carpet” designs and the most beautiful colours. I even knew how to design it first on a notebook and then knit it.

I thought it’s something I won’t really remember how to do, it’s been few years since I was in high school… but once I helped with the crochet hook and the thread, it all came back to me.

Shocking… How some things you never forget.

This is a big achievement, I taught my daughter how to do it… Hooray!

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