Day #45 – Lockdown

It was just another day, kids at online-school, had a coffee in my new cup, which made me smile again.
Had a go on our puzzle for a few minutes. nothing was happening…

Then I felt like making savory cheese muffins that were finished before I noticed and that’s a very good sign.

Then my daughter saw I don’t feel like making dinner so she put on an apron, got her iPad, set up the table and opened an online restaurant menu for us. We just had to decide what we would like to order. After we ordered the food, she asked us to go about what we were doing and come back in an hour. After an hour, she called us to come to the table and receive our order.

After the main course we had dessert.

OMG. It was incredible. What a fantastic meal.
With amazing hot brownie and vanilla ice cream.
I was definitely impressed by the effort.

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