Today was mainly a school-assistance-day which I’m happy to do.
Then I got happy again, listening to the Premier who announced on-site schooling will resume next month! I could be happier if they could have gone to school tomorrow, but now that we know the plan we can work towards it. Days go by very quickly…
Today I wasn’t planning to make dinner, somebody else’s turn… but it seemed no one wanted to take the lead on this, so I asked my daughter if she wants to make dinner and she answered yes.
Ok. Great. Fantastic. It means I can relax.
Dinner time is getting closer and my daughter isn’t preparing any dinner. Weird. I went to check on her, saw her hiding something. “What are you doing? Come and make dinner. It’s time to eat”. She said “I’m coming”…
I already made the salad. What are you making? I asked.
Then, there was a knock on the door.
I wasn’t expecting anyone…
My daughter jumped happily. “Dinner is here!”, she said.
That was a delivery guy, with our dinner for the whole family, which she paid in cash, from her own savings!
I was shocked.
I was standing there, with a happy tear in my eye. I couldn’t believe it.
Such a beautiful, caring and big hearted child I’ve got.
All of a sudden, I knew we did something right as parents.
One moment of nachas in this chaos.
Ps: I told her I’m proud of her courage to do things like that, but that she’s not supposed to pay for our food from her savings. It’s supposed to be hers.