It’s has been a while… another 18 days past while self-isolation is still on.
only yesterday the kids went back to school.
Yayyyy! What a happy day… I couldn’t believe that day has arrived.
I put my music on all day.
I enjoyed listening to the silence with my coffee.
I felt free for a minute…

Until I had to finish the washing… SUCH AS LIFE…
3 months of lockdown is kind-of-over.
What did we get out of this?
We learned to cook more, eat more and shop more (online)
We learned some new cooking ideas, some new baking trials.
But not just…
We learned to appreciate family, freedom.
We learned to enjoy the little things sunshine, walking, even board games, and puzzles.
We missed meeting people, socializing, having normal conversation that is not about what to cook or when are we going to eat.
We learned to be positive, to find good things in each day,
We learned to be more creative with our kids with unusual activities.
We learned how to refresh our Judaism with games and activities at home.
We learned to use more technology like zoom, Telehealth and taught our family members to use and chess online to play with grandkids.
Those times will be written in history pages.
So we better remember it as these times that we come out smarter & stronger.
If you read until now… I really would like to thank you so much for taking part in my self-isolation / COVID19 journey.
Now, back to kind-of-normal life.