My Birthday Reflections

Another year has passed. It’s my birthday again.

I am now older because time flies so quickly;
I am stronger and wiser because I had to be;
I am happier because I learned to be happier, learned to open the door for my happiness to enter. I learned how to be grateful for the smallest things in life. Things that don’t cost money and we don’t use it them enough, like hugs and kisses, like saying I love you and like smiling and laughing more.

At first, when I was doing my annual reflections which always come before my birthday, it seemed like I didn’t do much… but apparently, I gained so much this year.

I had a chance to improve myself as a mum, like a lioness I could take good care of my kids,  stand beside them and push them to the best of their abilities and teach them about life-work balance and help at home.

I did my best, like always. Now my kids are the proof that I did the right thing, for them and for us as a family.


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