Day #59

After last night’s thunderstorm, I woke up at 5am, too early, but stayed in bed until 8am.

Then, school started, but I didn’t have time to blink and I was called for help…
The main assignment today was paper mache. The one and only mess I really don’t like. I’ll tell you why: Glue going all over is not my cup of tea. Only this thought made me sick.

The decision was making a sausage dog.

Started by sculpturing the skeleton, then making the glue part and covering the skeleton. Each part separately.

You just had to see my daughter’s face to see she’s having a ball… I didn’t feel the same though 🙂

All I Could do is try to clean up a bit between the stages and the glue drops that left marks of the bench, on the floor & on the table.
For her, art is the best therapy she could ask for.
For me, it was just a mess needs to be cleaned.

Everything in life is about perception.

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