Getting closer to such a long Yom Tov is very stressful.
So my day started early with making Pesach buns (which look like big kneidle balls but they make you full, so who cares how they look like…)
I made 2 batches of these, as well as a chocolate cake & roast chicken.
I decided we’d go outside to our garden to get some flowers for Yom Tov.
We put shoes on and went to the back garden and got some white and some green flowers. Went to the front garden and saw orange flowers which overgrew anyway… and then a rose.
This is what we picked. It Made me feel much better already.

Then my daughter wanted to decorate Eliyahu’s cup. Which made it look fantastic.

We scheduled a zoom meeting with my wider family.
My parents were there, my sister, husband and 2 kids. My brother and his wife and even my kids were all on separate devices, as well as my grandmother.
It was so much fun to see everyone together (if not physically… at least emotionally we were all there).
I realised I miss them so much!
Then my son and I played Rayman. It was the first time for me, and my son was so proud of my achievements on the game. I was very happy.
What a day! I’m very grateful for all of that.