After the Nurofen I took last night, I slept so well that I woke up early, tried to walk and saw that I’m much better.
The sun was already there smiling. I made myself a coffee in the quiet, before everyone else wakes up. By the way, that quiet time in the morning is the cure for me.

Went to water the veggie patch, then my daughter woke up as well and we read her book together. Later on, she found a hack on YouTube how to dye your hair with food colouring, please don’t call me crazy, but I agreed to do it with her… very exciting. We did it. And waited. We had to wait for 2 hours. Then washed it. And unfortunately it all washed out. She was so disappointed, so she decided to straighten her hair instead.
Then we shot some slow motion videos. It was fun and funny.
After dinner we decided to watch ‘The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’, fantastic family movie.
Tomorrow is the first day of school term 2 for one of them (& my cooking day).
Very Exciting…