Third day – Lockdown

Remote learning for both kids…

(Actually it’s not exactly 3 days of isolation because I didn’t add Saturday and Sunday to this … but who’s counting)

It means that I get time by myself. Finally.

So I closed the living room door. Listening to the quiet. I opened the radio app and listened to the sound of music. I was folding 4 loads of laundry.
When I finished, I danced my way to put the folded ones in the cupboards.
Then I decided to clean a bit (still listening to my music)

Cooked some lunch.
And then came my highlight of the day… going out.
Yayyyy. After days that I didn’t get dressed properly or got do any shopping, I am out to pick up my ordered meat.
So much fun, that I decided to pick up some fruit and vegetables on the way and come back to the nest.

After the kids finished their school day, we sat down to eat dinner.
Then I realised how hard it is to be locked.

My teenagers started fighting and teasing each other, all I could do was
tell them to stop & pray that they will learn to respect each other.

We all need to learn that…

Respect means a positive feeling or action shown towards someone.

SO if you are sick don’t go outside to play or exercise. Respect the community that wants to stay healthy.
Don’t do things on purpose towards others.

Always imagine what would have happened if it was the other way.

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