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Day #29 – Lockdown

Started the morning with 2 kids needing to wake up for online school. I had no time for coffee.

After they had breakfast and started school, I finally sat down with my huge cup of coffee in front of the computer.

Well, I thought I might have more time to myself. I was wrong.
Still had to cook and put the washing machine on… then made lunch and a healthy juice for everyone.

Later on, my husband went down to Woolies to get some yogourt & milk and came back with a huge Lego, a jigsaw puzzle and a family game.

We all now have something to look forward to for the weekends.

The little things that make you happy…

Day #28 – Lockdown – With Bonus Video!

It was just a normal Sunday, I had the feeling “I don’t feel like doing anything” (especially not the piles of washing…)

So we started the day with watching the Timmy Failure movie, which was meh. Then I decided to try up-skill my poetry levels so I wrote something cute about these self-isolation times. But I was still bored so I wanted to add animation to it. I just had no idea what kind of app to use… did a little bit of research and found a nice one . Added animation to the text and look what have we here?!

Well, at least the day wasn’t just wasted…

Day #26-27 – Lockdown

Friday was a very special day.
We had baguettes and garlic bread after more than 8 days eating matzah.

It tasted like heaven.

Not just because it was special, but because after more than 20 days of lockdown, we actually got dressed, put our shoes on (that felt weird) and went in the car. Drove to get our annual flu shot.

That didn’t take long… but we missed this feeling of going out.

I actually couldn’t bear the thought of another Shabbat, but this Shabbat was the most amazing one we had so far.

My daughter was so bored and wanted to sing and make music, yes I know it’s Shabbat and we can’t do a lot… but we decided to try fill wine glasses with water and make them a sort of a piano. It was actually very good!
We managed to “play” the Yehonatan Ha’katan tune and do some fun sounds with it. It was amazing!

Then my daughter had an idea to create face masks and all we had to do was apply it on our faces. She asked who’s joining her, surprisingly we all did (even the boys!)
We tried 2 recipes: honey & coffee, and honey & cinnamon. We applied them on our faces and couldn’t stop laughing. We looked like a monkey family with all our faces in 2 colours of brown.
It was hilarious, not only that… it actually felt so nice, our skin was very smooth. It was definitely worth the mess.

Then we kept playing, went for a walk around the block. And played ping pong again.

And BAM Shabbat was over.

Day #23-25 – Lockdown

Had a quick coffee. Woke up my daughter to start her school day (remote learning via Zoom).

Started cooking, by the time I finished it was 1pm, so we had lunch. Spoke to my family, had a chat with a friend or two. And it was chag AGAIN.

The next day, the sun came out again so we sat in the sun for an hour playing. It was fun, all day and the day after we were busy playing all sorts of games: Rummicub, checkers, chess & ping pong,
We also read some books and more. Most of the time we ate though…

Time flies when you have fun.

Now.. I’m going to pack away the Pesach dishes.
Finally It’s over.

Let’s drink to that!

Day #22 – Lockdown

After the Nurofen I took last night, I slept so well that I woke up early, tried to walk and saw that I’m much better.

The sun was already there smiling. I made myself a coffee in the quiet, before everyone else wakes up. By the way, that quiet time in the morning is the cure for me.

Went to water the veggie patch, then my daughter woke up as well and we read her book together. Later on, she found a hack on YouTube how to dye your hair with food colouring, please don’t call me crazy, but I agreed to do it with her… very exciting. We did it. And waited. We had to wait for 2 hours. Then washed it. And unfortunately it all washed out. She was so disappointed, so she decided to straighten her hair instead.

Then we shot some slow motion videos. It was fun and funny.

After dinner we decided to watch ‘The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’, fantastic family movie.

Tomorrow is the first day of school term 2 for one of them (& my cooking day).

Very Exciting…

Day #21 – Lockdown

Today was just another day… tried to avoid housework. Until I saw the washing… I couldn’t resist that pile. It was huge (which I can’t understand the reason for, because we aren’t going anywhere… weird.)

Since everyone was still asleep when I finished with the laundry, I sat in front of the computer trying to get some work done – something I didn’t get to do in the last 14 days…
finished what I wanted and I was very happy about it.

Then the kids woke up and I did some art and some assembling kits with them.

We then made lunch & dinner and as soon as I sat down (not before..) my back got stuck in a way I couldn’t move.
Really? I thought to myself. Couldn’t it have happened before?

So I Took a shower and got a hot water bottle and went to bed.

I guess it’s time to get some rest after this Chag.

Day #17-20 – Lockdown

After the Pesach week started, we could finally relax.

We sat to the table saying the Haggadah which is the story of the Jewish people escaping Egypt. We were describing the 10 plagues the Egyptian got, in order to allow the Israelites to go free. And here we are, sitting with our core family, can’t get out of our houses, can’t go to shul or see friends. Just because of a new age plague.

Anyway it made us rethink our existence and stop.

Yom Tov was long, but there was plenty of food as always…

Luckily, we had so many games in the house, so when the sun came out we played table tennis and frisbee. Remember I told you about the dobble game I made? It was a big hit. Fantastic game. We played it so many times it was definitely worth the effort.

My daughter had a holiday homework: reading the book “The witch, the lion and the wardrobe” so we printed off 9 chapters to start with… and we actually finished reading what we printed. Which is a great progress.

It all seemed like a one very long day.

Fun, but glad it’s over.

Day #16 – Lockdown

Getting closer to such a long Yom Tov is very stressful.

So my day started early with making Pesach buns (which look like big kneidle balls but they make you full, so who cares how they look like…)
I made 2 batches of these, as well as a chocolate cake & roast chicken.

I decided we’d go outside to our garden to get some flowers for Yom Tov.
We put shoes on and went to the back garden and got some white and some green flowers. Went to the front garden and saw orange flowers which overgrew anyway… and then a rose.

This is what we picked. It Made me feel much better already.

Then my daughter wanted to decorate Eliyahu’s cup. Which made it look fantastic.

We scheduled a zoom meeting with my wider family.

My parents were there, my sister, husband and 2 kids. My brother and his wife and even my kids were all on separate devices, as well as my grandmother.

It was so much fun to see everyone together (if not physically… at least emotionally we were all there).

I realised I miss them so much!

Then my son and I played Rayman. It was the first time for me, and my son was so proud of my achievements on the game. I was very happy.

What a day! I’m very grateful for all of that.

Day #15 – Lockdown

Warning! Cooking/cleaning day ahead.

I woke up with a lot of energy (if you’ve read yesterday’s post, you could tell that it’s quite different).

The sun showed itself. Hoping it will stay this way in the upcoming days.
I drank my coffee with the last bagel toast before Pesach and started cooking on full steam. Dressed the brisket & put it in the oven, cut 3 kilos of breast fillet, and made it to schnitzels. OMG! That was a hell of a job.

Let’s see who’s going to tell me “I’ve got nothing to eat” now…

After that I made vegetables slice & matza-based lasanga.

For lunch I spoiled everyone with fresh schnitzels and sweet potato chips. After all that we cleaned the kitchen and my daughter put some foils over the benchtops.

We are now ready for it.

The kitchen looked spotless and my feet were so sore regardless.

I enjoyed a meal that’s not going to happen again in the next 10 days.

I feel so good, some life skills are building up!

Day #14 – Lockdown

I’ve reached a breaking point.

I feel the days are longer, or to be correct I feel like each day is a never-ending day.

I feel that I’m doing So much and still there’s so much to do.

Does that makes sense?

I hate the rain, It’s endless in the last 3 days. It affects my mood. (It means I lost my marbles.)

I had enough of cleaning or cooking.
I don’t like Pesach at all.
I want to get out of the house.
I want to see people.
I need time for myself.
I want to go back to normal.
I want this to be over.

I want to scream & shout and let it all out.

That’s it. Did it!