I woke up early, ready to work…
As I expected, the dishes were waiting for me, the washing was waiting… so I went to work straight away. Same old Cleaning-cooking day.
Oh, not just… Today was also ‘frustrating day’ everyone was frustrated from something… one was frustrated from school work so she preferred to be on YouTube any spare minute, other was frustrated from me screaming to go back to class… the working one was frustrated from the number of work chats he expected to participate today, I was frustrated to be frustrated again, because of their frustrations.

Well, I actually have my own frustrating issues, like cooking the same things again, and eating the same… etc.
I think we all need to twitch a little bit to get the situation right…
The teachers should do more interesting things, fun activities in order to engage everyone.
Giving another worksheet won’t help, it is boring to sit all day and listen behind a screen (in some cases kids are playing games while the teacher is talking which shows exactly how they are bored).
Working at home is rough, while everyone is around…
And not working and being the cook and cleaner while stuck at home is not fun at all.
We all can agree on one thing, not every day is great, but there’s something great in every day…
Just need to look for it.