Tag Archives: LOCKDOWN

Jerusalem, If I forget you…

The year was 1998.

I was 18 when I left my parents’ house with a huge bag (much bigger than me) and moved to live in Jerusalem for one year.

What an exceptional experience it was.

I did my national service in Shaare Zedek hospital, enjoyed every minute of it.

It’s the first time I lived in dorms, all 120 like me, shared a building with the nurses.
I shared a room with 3 more girls, I learned the advantage and disadvantages of that very quickly.

Good friendships came out of it.

It was the first time I learned so much, from a very close look, about hospitals, blood tests, delivering babies, surgeries, doctors, and nurses.
I gained so much knowledge in that year that it actually helped me later In life.

It was the first time the western wall and the old city were part of our weekly visit, Besides Cafe Rimon, the Shuk and a few more places.
I love this city at night…

Hopefully we’ll be able to go to visit real soon.

Day #60

I think today was just a breaking point.

Had to juggle between online schooling, shopping & cooking.
Normally I do the shopping on Wednesday in order to be ready for the cooking on Thursday. But for some gluey reason (read yesterday’s post if you don’t understand what I’m talking about) that didn’t happen, so I had to do it all together on the same day.

It’s doable…
But sometimes it seems that no one is paying attention to what I’m doing around the house until there’s nothing to eat in the fridge, or until there are no snacks in the cupboard or even sometimes until they don’t have undies to wear…

Obviously we are the see-through-people… like ghosts, just in the real world. People whom no one is paying attention to.
Like the people who clean the street, or the mailman. Unfortunately. As long as they are doing their job, no one is paying attention. Over time I learned to acknowledge their work, smile, have a small talk and even thank them although it’s their ‘job’.

It’s like when I went shopping today I saw a street cleaner who cleaned an illegal graffiti near my parking lot. I thanked him not just because the wall is much nicer without
graffiti, but mainly because his work needs to be acknowledged and he needs to be seen.

I wish more people would pay attention to the people behind the scenes…

Everyone wants to feel appreciated From time to time.

Even us, mums.

(And not just on mother’s day)

Day #59

After last night’s thunderstorm, I woke up at 5am, too early, but stayed in bed until 8am.

Then, school started, but I didn’t have time to blink and I was called for help…
The main assignment today was paper mache. The one and only mess I really don’t like. I’ll tell you why: Glue going all over is not my cup of tea. Only this thought made me sick.

The decision was making a sausage dog.

Started by sculpturing the skeleton, then making the glue part and covering the skeleton. Each part separately.

You just had to see my daughter’s face to see she’s having a ball… I didn’t feel the same though 🙂

All I Could do is try to clean up a bit between the stages and the glue drops that left marks of the bench, on the floor & on the table.
For her, art is the best therapy she could ask for.
For me, it was just a mess needs to be cleaned.

Everything in life is about perception.

Day #58

Sometimes I think my kids are the most fussy kids on Earth when it comes to what they eat.

My son, since he was a baby, never ate potatoes at all unless it’s chips.

For years, both my kids loved chicken soup. We learned to live with it. He would always leave the potato in the bowl and eat all the rest. Fair enough…

Two years ago he started to love minestrone soup in a way he eats all the vegetables including the potatoes… which is very interesting, because he can’t be bothered to “fish” the potatoes, but my daughter can’t stand it, she would eat other soups.

Yesterday we finished a big pot of minestrone soup so I decided to refresh our menu a bit… I made tomatoes soup with rice, similar colours (btw my son loves rice, my daughter won’t touch it). That’s how I cook, always 2 kinds of sides, 2 options, one for him and one for her.

And I also made a chicken soup, just in case…

To my surprise, my son didn’t even try the new soup. My daughter played safe with the chicken soup. Only the adults loved it. Its delicious!

I think being in isolation made the food a bigger issue than what it should be, because we are at home, and all we think about is eating… (I won’t even bother you with stories about meat.)

I think I’m ready to make lunch box again.
Maybe I should start practicing…

Day #57

Today , I dared to look at the calendar, after a while that I was going with flow of this pandemic and it’s consequences.
I was in total shock to see that Shavuot is actually next week.
Normally, I’m so organised. Not this time though…
To digest the shock, I went for a walk around the block. It helped me to think quickly and enjoy the sun.

I want you to understand, this is the best Chag on earth.
I just LOVE dairy products, all kinds of cheese, and cream, and cheesecake. Omg just heaven. The problem is that I’m not allowed to eat it so much due to lactose intolerance but once a year I’m going wild, for me., there’s a price that comes with it. But once a year I just eat it all. And enjoy it.

So, after i realized my favourite holiday is coming so fast,and I’m not ready for it… I sat down to search up what I’m going to cook this year.

It must be Different. Unique &Exciting.
It’s already is very exciting.
I didn’t finalized the menu yet, But at least I started…

Day #56

Yesterday was a “Stay in bed ” day, following a sleepless night.

I think I got my energy levels back up after last nights’ very good sleep.

Day #55 – Lockdown

Like every Shabbat, we all slept in.

I woke up & had my coffee in the quiet. Moved on to do more of my puzzle, it’s actually getting bigger and fuller. Played some Dobble games, the boys played table tennis and then chess.

It was such a beautiful day outside. The sun was warm, so after lunch we decided to walk to the park and enjoy the moment.

We walked around the park, met some friends, the kids met their friends. It was so much fun to see everyone.

After 2 Hours or so we came back home exhausted but very happy.

Day #54

It’s hard to believe that another week just past.

The sun was shining again, which is fantastic. I water the garden and my orange tree looked very happy with so many green oranges, also the veggie patch the seedlings are growing quickly.

Today I did some shopping online and I realized, I kind of like to do shopping. (Really?!)

Yes, it’s a need but also fun, maybe it’s better to do it online rather than go to Chadstone and waste the whole day finding nothing.

That, I don’t like.

Well, only if you know what you need… in this case Thank God my kids grew out of their winter clothes.
Hoping by the time they will need to go to school they will have something to wear.
Or they will go in PJ’s… 🙂

Day #52-53

Yesterday I had my quick coffee in front of the computer, had a few urgent things to do… it took me a while.

Once I saw the sun was out, I decided to eat my lunch outside and enjoy receiving some vitamin d.
The sun was nice and warm, but by the time I finished my lunch, it was gone… shame.

I miss the hot days, maybe because it’s really cold lately, not just in the mornings or nights.

It’s all the time… I feel I just want to have my coffee in bed and read a book under the blanket.


Thursday is a cooking day… so much fun, I better start working on it.

Stay warm!

Day #51 – Lockdown

Today was mainly a school-assistance-day which I’m happy to do.

Then I got happy again, listening to the Premier who announced on-site schooling will resume next month! I could be happier if they could have gone to school tomorrow, but now that we know the plan we can work towards it. Days go by very quickly…

Today I wasn’t planning to make dinner, somebody else’s turn… but it seemed no one wanted to take the lead on this, so I asked my daughter if she wants to make dinner and she answered yes.

Ok. Great. Fantastic. It means I can relax.

Dinner time is getting closer and my daughter isn’t preparing any dinner. Weird. I went to check on her, saw her hiding something. “What are you doing? Come and make dinner. It’s time to eat”. She said “I’m coming”…
I already made the salad. What are you making? I asked.

Then, there was a knock on the door.
I wasn’t expecting anyone…

My daughter jumped happily. “Dinner is here!”, she said.
That was a delivery guy, with our dinner for the whole family, which she paid in cash, from her own savings!

I was shocked.
I was standing there, with a happy tear in my eye. I couldn’t believe it.

Such a beautiful, caring and big hearted child I’ve got.
All of a sudden, I knew we did something right as parents.
One moment of nachas in this chaos.

Ps: I told her I’m proud of her courage to do things like that, but that she’s not supposed to pay for our food from her savings. It’s supposed to be hers.